How to Prioritise Tasks And Achieve BIG Goals: 10 Simple Steps

Are you struggling with how to prioritise tasks when you have a lengthy priority list of things that all demand your attention?

Juggling multiple commitments while also striving for success can be a daunting prospect, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming or impossible if you know how to effectively prioritise your tasks.

From organising your day-to-day life so as not to overlook any important tasks to understanding which goals should take priority over others, this guide will help you simplify the task prioritisation process and become more productive with each passing day!

In this article, you will find strategies that will help you identify what really matters while also keeping distractions away from your work schedule.

 creative entrepreneur in wheelchair prioritising tasks

Understanding Your Goals

Knowing what you want to accomplish is vital for organising your tasks in the right order.

Before you can begin to prioritise tasks, you need to have a good idea of what it is that you are trying to achieve. Take some time to think about the big picture and consider what your long-term goals are. Knowing your goal will help you prioritise tasks that will move you closer to achieving it.

For example, if your goal is to start a creative business and be a successful creative entrepreneur, you may prioritise tasks such as researching potential business ideas, networking with other entrepreneurs, and attending seminars or workshops that can help you gain the skills and knowledge needed to succeed.

By doing this, you can ensure that you are focusing your energy and resources on tasks that will help you reach your goal.

Identifying your current goals and future objectives

An essential part of task prioritisation is recognising what your present goals and potential objectives are.

It is essential to have a clear understanding of what you are trying to achieve in order to prioritise tasks that will move you closer to achieving it.

Start by making a list of your short-term and long-term goals. This can include anything from personal goals such as getting fit or learning a new language to professional goals such as starting a business or getting a promotion.

A short-term goal is something that you want to achieve in the near future, while a long-term goal is something that you are working towards over a longer period of time. An example of a short-term goal could be to finish a project within the next month, while a long-term goal could be to become a successful entrepreneur in the next five years.

Clarity on what success means to you

Having clarity on what success means to you is an important part of task prioritisation. It is essential to have a clear understanding of what success looks like for you in order to prioritise tasks that will help you reach your goals.

Take some time to think about what success means to you and how it can be measured. Consider the different aspects of your life, such as your career journey, relationships, health, and finances.

For example, if your goal is to become a successful entrepreneur, you may define success as having a profitable business that provides you with financial security and the freedom to pursue your passions.

It is imperative to understand what success looks like to you individually since our ideas of success vary.

creative entrepreneur in meeting prioritising the teams tasks 

Benefits of Prioritising Your Tasks

By prioritising your workload, you can gain certain benefits, including:

Offers more opportunities

Prioritising your workload can open up more opportunities for you.

When you prioritise tasks, you have more opportunities to focus on the tasks that are most important to you and your business. This can help you become more productive and efficient in your work.

Prioritising tasks can help you identify areas where you need to improve and focus on those areas.

Increase your free time

Organising your tasks in order of importance can give you more free time.

When you prioritise tasks, you can focus on the most important ones first and then move on to the less important ones. This allows you to get more done in a shorter amount of time, freeing up your schedule for other activities.

It will also help you stay organised and on track with your daily goals.

Avoid procrastination

None of us wants to take on too much, feel overwhelmed, or become susceptible to procrastination.

That is why prioritising your workload is essential. When you prioritise tasks, you can focus on the most important ones first and then move on to the less important ones.

Keeping organised and motivated will prevent procrastination, and this will help you accomplish that.

Gives priority to your most important work

People who are highly productive don't accomplish more in less time.

Instead, they concentrate on the things that are truly important: those that are significant, valuable, and have a significant influence. Although it may seem obvious, most of us will allow our attention to drift to tasks that are less crucial if we lack a clear sense of importance.

Rather than taking action, we react. We check off items on our to-do list that we would like to do as opposed to the ones we need to do.

Setting priorities for your daily tasks might help you better concentrate on what needs to be done first and what you can do next.

OCCO London is on a mission to assist people like you in prioritising the tasks that matter most, guiding you towards success with our Priority Pad.

Increase productivity and efficiency

If you want to complete your most important tasks first, it's essential to prioritise your tasks and arrange them according to their importance.

Using some productivity tools, you could stay organised, meet deadlines, and complete crucial work on time by prioritising your tasks. By doing so, you can increase your productivity and efficiency.

At OCCO London, our mission is to help creatives become more productive and reduce stress levels, so we created this productivity tool, called Could Do Pad, to break down larger tasks and make progress easier to track.

Also, it can make you feel less anxious, more productive, and able to work more effectively on your upcoming tasks.

Reduce stress and anxiety

Prioritising or arranging our ideas can be one of the largest obstacles to productivity for many of us, especially when we're pressed for time, trying to get a lot done, or have a tight deadline looming over our heads.

The good news is that setting daily priorities and staying organised can help us feel less stressed, which boosts our confidence in our ability to complete our tasks at home, school, and work. It's critical to keep in mind that the purpose of planning and prioritising is to finish chores without feeling pressed for time or under the stress of constantly falling behind.

You may work more efficiently and have ample time for self-care and useful habits when you prioritise and organise.

Organising your work to prioritise important tasks will help you experience the benefits mentioned above.

Now that you understand how prioritising your tasks can help you, let's review the 10 steps on how to prioritise your tasks. Make sure to give yourself time to read it and put it into practise.

 creative entreneur working on hist laptop

10 Simple Steps on How to Prioritise Tasks

To help you get started, here are 10 simple steps on how to prioritise tasks and achieve big goals.

1. List the tasks that are necessary to achieve your goals

Before you can begin to prioritise your tasks, it is important to have a list of tasks that need to be completed in order to reach your future goals.

Through this, you'll gain insight into what tasks need to be prioritised and which ones can be delegated or outsourced in order to save ample time for the more critical jobs.

Listing all the tasks that are necessary to achieve your future goals will also help you create a timeline for when each task should be completed.

Assessing which tasks require the most attention

Once you have listed out all of the tasks that need to be completed, it is important to assess which tasks require the most attention.

This can be done by looking at the importance of each task and how much time it will take to complete it.

For instance, if a task is very important but will only take a few minutes to complete, it should be given a higher priority than a task that is less important but will take longer to complete.

Determining which tasks must be done right away and which can wait

Once you have assessed the importance of each task, it is important to determine which tasks must be done right away and which can wait. This will help you to prioritise your tasks in order of importance and urgency.

For instance, if a task needs to be completed within the next few days, it should be given a higher priority than a task that can wait a few weeks. Urgent tasks should be given a higher priority than unimportant tasks that are not as urgent.

This will help you to ensure that all of the tasks on your task list are completed on time and that you do not miss any upcoming deadlines.

2. Break down large tasks into smaller pieces

Dividing big tasks into smaller components can help simplify them and make it easier to organise their completion.

By breaking down a large task into smaller, more manageable pieces, you will be able to focus on one part of the task at a time and complete it in a timely manner. This will also help you identify which parts of the task are most important and need to be given higher priority.

If you are having trouble breaking down a large task, try to think of it as a series of single tasks that need to be completed in order.

Creating a timeline for each task component

Creating a timeline for each task component is an important step in the process of prioritising tasks.

By creating a timeline, you will be able to identify which critical tasks need to be completed first and which can wait. This will help you stay organised and ensure that all of your tasks are completed on time.

When creating a timeline, it is important to consider the amount of time needed for each task component and the upcoming deadlines that need to be met.

2. Break large tasks into milestone goals

To accomplish major objectives, it's helpful to break them into milestones and prioritise them.

By breaking down a large task into smaller, more manageable milestones, you can focus on one part of the task at a time and complete it in a timely manner. A milestone is a specific goal that needs to be achieved in order to move forward with the task. For instance, if you are working on a project, you may have several milestones, such as researching the topic, writing the paper, and editing it.

By breaking down complex tasks into these smaller goals, you can prioritise them and focus on one at a time.

When setting milestones, it is important to consider the amount of time needed for each milestone and the upcoming deadlines that need to be met.

List out the steps

Listing the steps of a task can help you prioritise it and determine which steps need to be completed first.

Prioritising weekly tasks by breaking them into individual steps will help you stay organised and on schedule. It will also allow you to determine which parts of the task are most important.

When creating a plan for a task, it is vital to consider how long each step will take and any deadlines for completion. You can make a list of the steps and prioritise them according to their significance within a week.

At OCCO London, we have created the Weekly Planner Pad to help creatives like you stay organised and reach their larger goals in all aspects of life.

3. Focus on your goals

Focusing on your daily goals is an important step in the process of prioritising tasks.

It is essential to have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve and why it is important to you. By focusing on your goals, you will be able to prioritise tasks that are necessary to reach them and avoid giving attention to unrelated tasks.

There are several ways to stay focused on your goals. For instance, you can create a vision board, where you write down your goals and review them regularly or set reminders for yourself.

Avoiding distractions

Staying on task requires minimising distractions, which can take the form of emails, text messages, phone calls, or social media.

It is important to limit these distractions so that you can focus on the task at hand.

To avoid distractions, it is helpful to set aside a specific time for completing tasks and stick to it. You can also turn off notifications or use a timer to help you stay focused.

Using tools such as time blocking to stay productive

Time-blocking is an effective tool for staying productive and prioritising tasks. It involves setting aside specific blocks of time to focus on specific tasks.

With this, it is possible to stay on track and dodge distractions, in addition to organising tasks based on their significance.

When it comes to time blocking, make sure your true goals are achievable and be flexible with your schedule. Additionally, take into account the amount of time for each task and any deadlines that need to be met.

For instance, when you need to meet a project deadline, make sure to reserve enough time for the task.

Taking regular breaks to help maintain focus

Taking regular breaks is essential for maintaining focus and productivity. Pauses can help reduce anxiety and exhaustion, giving you the capacity to stay focused for longer.

When taking a break, it is important to step away from the task at hand and focus on something else. This could be anything from going for a walk to listening to music. You can also use the break to review your progress and make sure you are on track.

It is also beneficial to take breaks between tasks to help you stay organised and focused.

4. Know when you need help

When it comes to achieving big goals, it is important to know when you need help.

It can be difficult to do everything on your own, and asking for assistance can make the process easier.

If you are feeling overwhelmed or stuck on a task, reach out to someone who has experience in the area. This could be a mentor, colleague, or friend who can provide advice and guidance.

Allowing yourself to delegate tasks

Assigning tasks is essential for accomplishing significant objectives. This gives you the opportunity to concentrate on vital components and liberate yourself from other tasks to engage in other activities.

When delegating tasks, it is important to choose someone who is reliable and capable of completing the task. Additionally, make sure to provide clear instructions and expectations so that they can complete the task successfully.

Just make sure that when delegating tasks, you are not taking away from the quality of the work.

Identifying those who have strengths where your skillsets may be lacking

Achieving big goals, especially with your career goals, requires recognising individuals who possess talents where one may be deficient.

Acknowledging areas that require assistance and finding someone to offer the necessary aid is important.

When looking for assistance, it is beneficial to identify people who have strengths that complement your own. This could be a colleague or mentor with experience in the area or someone who has a different perspective.

You can also look for people who have the same career goals and objectives as you.

5. Manage your time effectively

Time management plays a crucial role in achieving big goals.

The prioritisation of tasks is aided by effective time management. The process of organising and planning how to split time between particular activities is at the core of time management. Effective time management enables one to work more efficiently and complete more tasks in less time.

Time is a valuable resource, and it is important to use it wisely.

Creating a daily schedule

Establishing a daily routine is an effective way to organise tasks and achieve objectives.

You may maintain a healthy balance between your personal and professional lives by proactively creating a daily schedule with responsibilities that are given priority. By ensuring that you consistently work towards your long-term goals, a daily routine can also help you accomplish them.

You may successfully plan your schedule by knowing how to add tasks to your daily schedule and maintain your workflow.

Sticking to your plan

Establishing and sticking to a plan is critical when working towards major objectives.

Formulating this plan and discovering the steps to be taken helps you stay motivated and pushes you towards success.

It can be easy to get distracted or overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs to be done. To stay on track, break down large tasks into smaller ones and set realistic deadlines for yourself.

Making sure you have enough time for each task

It's essential to have good time management if you want to accomplish big goals. You need to make sure that you allocate the appropriate amount of time for each task so you can complete them efficiently and correctly.

When making a plan, take into consideration the amount of time needed for each task.

By doing this, you'll be able to decide how much time to allot for each activity and avoid burnout.

Taking frequent breaks between tasks

Working for long periods of time without taking a break can lead to fatigue and burnout, which can impede progress.

It is important to take regular breaks throughout the day in order to stay focused and productive. Taking short breaks helps to refresh the mind and body, allowing you to return to work with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

Moreover, frequent breaks can help maintain your motivation and attention to the job.

6. Get Organised

Having good organisation is necessary when it comes to reaching lofty goals.

It's essential to have a well-defined plan and structure in place to remain focused and make progress.

Through the organisation, you'll spend less time seeking stuff and more time working on vital tasks. Moreover, great organisation skills can help someone procrastinate less and be more productive.

Utilising tools to stay on top of your workload

Utilising tools to stay on top of your workload is an effective way to ensure that you are staying organised and on track with your true goals.

There are a variety of tools available that can help you manage and prioritise tasks, such as task management apps, project management software, and calendar applications.

Utilise these tools to stay organised and prioritise your workload so you can focus on the most important tasks.

Moreover, these can help you track progress and measure success.

Setting reminders for yourself to ensure tasks are completed on time

By setting reminders for yourself, you can ensure that tasks are completed on time and that you stay on track with your goals.

Reminders can help you stay focused and motivated to complete tasks in a timely manner, as they trigger you to do something.

Anything you "place in your way" to prompt you to perform a task is a trigger. The best triggers have some connection to the desired behaviour. A trigger is anything that draws your attention and prompts you to take action. A good example is an alarm clock or cooking timer; when the bell sounds, you know it's time to get up or remove the quiche from the oven.

Place a trigger in your path to remind you to do whatever it is you're attempting to turn into a habit, and keep it there until you notice that you've already done the thing it's designed to remind you of.

This is very useful in ensuring that you can complete your tasks on time.

7. Learn from your mistakes

Making mistakes is an inevitable part of life, and it’s important to learn from them.

When you make a mistake, take the time to reflect on what went wrong and how you can improve in the future.

By taking the time to analyse your mistakes, you can gain valuable insight into how to better prioritise tasks and achieve big goals. This will help you become more efficient and effective in the future.

Reflecting on past mistakes and successes

Taking time to analyse our wins and losses helps us figure out how to prioritise tasks and accomplish big objectives.

Examining your past successes and mistakes can help you better handle your workload later on. When reflecting, it’s important, to be honest with yourself about both your successes and failures. Recognise the areas where you could have done better and the areas where you did well.

By doing this, you can gain valuable insight into how to better prioritise tasks and achieve big goals.

Adjusting your approach to tasks based on what you have learned

Applying the knowledge you have gained to tasks is an essential step in attaining your objectives.

After reflecting on past successes and failures, it’s important to adjust your approach accordingly.

For example, if you find that you are struggling with a certain task, take the time to break it down into smaller steps and focus on completing each step one at a time. This will help you stay organised and motivated to complete the task. If you find that a certain approach is working well for you, continue to use it in the future.

By adjusting your approach based on what you have learned, you can become more efficient and effective in achieving your goals.

8. Be flexible

Keeping yourself open to new opportunities is essential for accomplishing significant objectives and tackling tasks.

Life can be unpredictable, and it’s important to be prepared for any changes that may come your way. When setting goals, it’s important to keep in mind that things may not always go as planned. It’s essential to remain flexible and open-minded when tackling tasks and achieving big goals.

Being flexible will help you stay organised and motivated to complete the task. It will also help you adjust your approach if something doesn’t go as planned.

Being open to changes in plans and tasks

It can be challenging to adjust to alterations in plans and tasks, but it's essential to stay flexible and open-minded.

When changes occur, take the time to analyse the situation and figure out how you can best adjust your approach. By being open to changes in plans and tasks, you can become more efficient and effective in achieving your goals.

Adapting quickly to new situations or challenges

Adapting quickly to new situations or challenges is an important skill for achieving big goals.

When faced with a new situation or challenge, it’s important to take the time to analyse the situation and figure out how you can best adjust your approach.

Taking time to analyse the situation enables you to gain a valuable understanding of how to prioritise tasks and achieve bigger goals. This will assist you in staying organised and inspired to finish the job.

Making adjustments as needed to ensure goals are still achieved

Adapting your plans to changing conditions is essential for success. As you strive to reach your goals, stay aware of any developments and modify your strategy accordingly.

Taking the time to evaluate the circumstances and determine the optimal way to proceed is critical.

9. Evaluate your progress

Assessing your progress is vital to meeting significant objectives.

It’s important to take the time to reflect on how far you have come and what you have accomplished. This will help you stay motivated and inspired to keep going. Additionally, it will enable you to identify any areas that need improvement or adjustments.

By evaluating your progress regularly, you can ensure that you are on track to achieving your goals.

Regularly assess your progress

Tracking your progress is a key part of reaching big goals, so it's important to take the time to reflect on what you have achieved and how far you've come.

This will provide encouragement and motivation to keep you pushing forward. As a bonus, this will help you pinpoint which aspects should be improved or altered.

Regularly assessing your progress will help ensure you reach your objectives.

Adjusting your plan as needed

Adjusting your plan as needed is an important part of achieving big goals.

As you strive to reach your goals, stay aware of any developments and modify your strategy accordingly. Taking the time to evaluate the circumstances and determine the optimal way to proceed is critical.

This will help ensure that you are on track to achieving your goals and that you are making progress towards them.

Rewarding yourself for completing tasks on time

Giving yourself a reward after meeting a deadline is a great way to meet your objectives. It’s important to recognise your hard work and dedication by rewarding yourself for a job well done.

This could be something as simple as taking a break or treating yourself to something special.

This will help keep you motivated and inspired to continue working towards your goals.

10. Create a support network

Establishing a support system is vital for meeting major objectives. Encouragement and assistance from a network of people can make all the difference in achieving successful goals.

Having a support network will help you stay motivated and inspired to keep going even when times get tough.

Having the support of someone to keep you motivated and provide assistance with your goals can be valuable. Setting up a network of people to turn to is necessary in order to reach your ambitions.

Surrounding yourself with people who can help you stay motivated

Surrounding yourself with people who can help you stay motivated is essential for achieving big goals.

Having a support network of positive, like-minded individuals will provide you with the encouragement and assistance needed to stay on track. Motivation and inspiration from others can be invaluable when striving to reach your objectives.

Building a support system of individuals who can encourage you and ignite your ambitions will help you reach your objectives.

Reaching out to mentors or colleagues for advice and guidance

Seeking advice and support from mentors or colleagues is essential for achieving goals.

Having a mentor or colleague who can provide you with support, guidance, and feedback can be invaluable.

Mentors and peers can guide you to the most successful methods for achieving your goals, as well as give useful pointers on how to overcome any issues that arise. They can also provide encouragement and motivation to keep pushing forward.

Seeking out resources that can help you achieve your goals

Seeking out resources that can help you achieve your goals is an important step in the process.

Resources such as books, articles, and online courses can provide valuable information and guidance on how to reach your objectives. By taking the time to research and explore different resources, you can gain a better understanding of what it takes to succeed.

This will help you develop a plan of action for reaching your goals.

Reaching your goals can be made easier by following these 10 steps, which enable you to prioritise tasks and accomplish major objectives.

Having gone over the steps, you may have lingering questions. We have tried to address some of them, from the basic ones to the more intricate ones. Let's take a look at the most commonly asked questions on this subject.

 creative entrepreneur prioritising her tasks

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about how to prioritise tasks and achieve big goals:

What tools are there to help prioritise?

There are a variety of tools available to help prioritise tasks. These include task management apps, project management software, and time tracking tools.

These tools can help you organise tasks into categories based on their importance and urgency. Additionally, they can provide reminders and notifications to ensure that tasks are completed in a timely manner.

How do I figure out which tasks have the highest priority?

Figuring out which tasks have the highest priority can be difficult.

It is important to consider the importance of each task and how it contributes to achieving your goals. Furthermore, it is important to consider the urgency of each task and how long it will take to complete it.

By taking these factors into consideration, you can determine which tasks should be prioritised.

Are there any tips for managing multiple projects and tasks at once?

Some tips for managing multiple projects and tasks at once include breaking down large tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks, setting deadlines for each task, and delegating tasks to others when possible.

It is essential to remain organised and set up a system for monitoring the progress of each project.

Is multitasking an effective strategy for completing tasks quickly?

Multitasking can be an effective strategy for completing tasks quickly, but it is important to use it wisely.

Multitasking can help you save time by allowing you to work on multiple tasks at once. However, it is important to remember that multitasking can also lead to mistakes and decreased productivity.

Therefore, it is important to prioritise tasks based on importance and urgency before attempting to multitask.

What criteria should I use for ranking my tasks?

Prioritising tasks requires you to take into account both the urgency and importance of each task.

Tasks should be ranked based on how they contribute to achieving your goals. What's more, it is important to consider the amount of time required to complete each task.

Tasks that are more important and urgent should be given higher priority than those that are less important or have a longer timeline. Furthermore, difficult tasks that require more effort should be given higher priority than those that are simpler.

 creative entrepreneur prioritising tasks


Learning how to prioritise tasks and achieve goals can be a daunting prospect, but it doesn't have to be.

By following the 10 simple steps outlined in this article, you can learn how to prioritise your tasks effectively and become more productive with each passing day.

From understanding your goals and assessing which tasks require the most attention to managing your time effectively and staying organised, these strategies will help you stay on track and achieve your goals.

Be sure to use the criteria outlined in this article to rank your tasks and stay focused on what matters most!

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Here at OCCO London, we are on a mission to help people achieve their goals and live more fulfilling lives.

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